Year 6 Pupils achieve Silver Global STEM Awards

Year 6 Pupils achieve Silver Global STEM Awards
1 August 2024 UK Stem

What a great way to end the academic year! Huge congratulations to Mersey Primary Academy, Hull and the Year 6 pupils who have achieved their Silver Global STEM Awards this term. The class have worked on a project throughout the year within their science curriculum, on the circulatory system and partnered with health and hygiene pharmaceutical company, Reckitt in Hull, to deepen the breadth of their learning to a real-world context investigating infection of the blood, treatment and prevention. The children have taken part in talks from the scientists and NPD teams at Reckitt, learning about the pharmaceutical industry and careers linked to the sector. The final element of their project was to learn about marketing new products, designing a brand and the children created their own new brand of disinfectant, made posters for advertising and even designed packaging and logos.

Many congratulations to all Y6 pupils and to Miss Clark, their class teacher for a brilliant project. Thanks also to representatives from Reckitt and at Hull & East Yorkshire Children’s University for their support in making this happen.